Pour Anton Harber, professeur sud-africain de journalisme, l'essai de Reporter.co.za donne des résultats en-deça des attentes.
It promises a range of lively material, but on closer inspection the reports are half-baked, the sort you’d expect from beginner reporters who would be sent back by a news desk to plug the holes. The pictures have a charming amateurishness to them.Bref, des points essentiels qui rappellent les leçons tirées par Gillmor en ce qui concerne l'encadrement et la formation des journalistes-citoyens.
Think of the potential problems. How do you verify stories e-mailed into you? How do you prevent commercial interests from placing their public relations material? Or planting stories for fun or to harm their competition?
If citizen journalism is not just going to add to the media clutter, then it still needs to be edited.